That depends on your symptoms. If you are experiencing a change in energy level, change in body weight, rapid heart rate, palpitations, or excessive sweating, you should return to your doctor for further evaluation. Otherwise, it seems as if your doctor has diagnosed you with “subclinical thyrotoxicosis” which means that you have a low TSH… Continue reading I went to my doctor for my yearly check and he said that I have an abnormal thyroid function test. My tests show that my TSH is low but the other thyroid values were normal. I have a friend who has hyperthyroid but I have none of his symptoms. He said that I have a subclinical thyroid toxicity and we should recheck my labs in 2 months. Do I have anything to worry about?
Author: admin
My mother went blind from diabetes. I have diabetes too now. What are the chances I will go blind too?
Diabetes is a systemic disease that results in elevated sugars in the blood. Damage to your eyes is a result of damage to the small blood vessels in your eyes as a result of the high blood sugars; this is known as “diabetic retinopathy.” With good control of your blood sugars and good control of… Continue reading My mother went blind from diabetes. I have diabetes too now. What are the chances I will go blind too?
I got diagnosed with something called Pagat’s disease and my doctor said that I may have decreased hearing over time. Is there anything I can do?
Paget’s disease is a systemic disease that is often asymptomatic. It causes increased bone turnover and results in thickening of bones. Hearing loss is a common complaint with Paget’s disease, believed to be because of thickening of the canal your auditory nerve travels through. It is thought to occur in about 40% of people with… Continue reading I got diagnosed with something called Pagat’s disease and my doctor said that I may have decreased hearing over time. Is there anything I can do?
I’m 7 and 1/2 months pregnant and my doctor told me I got diabetes from being pregnant. He told me to take down my blood sugar before and after I eat. I’m not sure what my blood sugar should be but I think they high. What are good numbers?
The recommended fasting (before your meal) blood sugar for pregnant diabetic patients should be between 60-90 mg/dL. Post prandial (1-2 hours after your meal) blood sugars should be less than 120 mg/dL. If your blood sugar log shows that you have consistently high glucose levels, your doctor may put you on a diet and recommend… Continue reading I’m 7 and 1/2 months pregnant and my doctor told me I got diabetes from being pregnant. He told me to take down my blood sugar before and after I eat. I’m not sure what my blood sugar should be but I think they high. What are good numbers?
Who should be getting the Flu Vaccine?
Flu season is generally from October through March with January-February being the peak. Generally, the indications for influenza vaccination include: Children between the ages of 6 months and 5 years dults older than 50 years People of any age with chronic medical conditions such as diabetes, respiratory problems, or cardiac problems. Pregnant women People living… Continue reading Who should be getting the Flu Vaccine?