I hear that colic can be decreased when switching from bottle feeding to breast feeding, is this true?

Infantile colic is a condition in which a healthy baby frequently cries or screams inconsolably for extended periods of time. Onset is usually sudden and between 1-4 weeks and resolution usually occurs by 4 months. There have been reports that the incidence of colic is equal between bottle and breast fed babies. However, it has… Continue reading I hear that colic can be decreased when switching from bottle feeding to breast feeding, is this true?

My daughter is 6 and still wets the bed. Is that normal? What can I do?

Most children under the age of 7 outgrow their bedwetting spontaneously and without any intervention.  However, treatment options are available and include setting an alarm (so your child wakes up and urinates at a set time), setting an alarm that detects moisture (so your child wakes up and finishes urinating in the toilet), and limiting… Continue reading My daughter is 6 and still wets the bed. Is that normal? What can I do?

Categorized as Pediatrics

I have breast implants and I am pregnant. Will it hurt my baby? Also, will it be safe to breast feed my baby?

Although silicone can be detected in the blood with breast implants, many studies have found no proven risk of silicone breast implants to have any abnormal effects in a developing fetus.  In addition, there is no evidence of any harmful effects in babies who are breastfed by mothers with silicone implants.

I have high cholesterol and so does my wife. We have a 6 month old baby. Will our baby get high cholesterol? When should we test him?

Seeing how you and your wife both have high cholesterol, there is a likely chance your child may develop high cholesterol as well.  However, diet restriction at this time is not recommended.  Instead, the American Heart Association recommends that children at high risk for developing heart disease be screened after 2 years old. 1) If… Continue reading I have high cholesterol and so does my wife. We have a 6 month old baby. Will our baby get high cholesterol? When should we test him?

Categorized as Pediatrics

My 3 month old son’s right testicle hasn’t come down yet. My pediatrician isn’t worried at this time but I am. Is there anything I can do?

It appears that your child has a “cryptorchid testicle” which is the medical term for undescended testicle.  Most cryptorchid testicles descend spontaneously by 6 months therefore it is generally advised to wait until the child is 6 months in age before a surgical evaluation is undertaken.  After 6 months, it is very unlikely for the… Continue reading My 3 month old son’s right testicle hasn’t come down yet. My pediatrician isn’t worried at this time but I am. Is there anything I can do?