Each case is specific and generalizations are difficult to make. However, the legal rights of parents refusing medical care revolves around the concept of “life threatening” conditions and “life saving” care. Both of these terms can only be determined by a qualified medical professional and must be in accordance to the of standard and scope… Continue reading My daughter, 16, had very bad abdominal pain for a week and we went to the hospital. The doctors there were didn’t do good medicine and I wanted to take my daughter and leave. They wouldn’t let her leave and kept her in the hospital for two days. Can I sue the hospital for not letting me sign the paper work to let her leave?
Medical Questions and Answers
Why is there no cure or vaccine for the common cold?
The common cold is caused by a variety of viruses such as rhinovirus and coronavirus. These viruses are small and simple consisting of little more than genetic material and a few proteins. Because viruses replicate so rapidly, their genetic material undergo mutations readily. With these mutations, the virus’ genetic material and proteins change enough to… Continue reading Why is there no cure or vaccine for the common cold?
I have athletes foot and lamisil hasn’t worked. Now I am taking pills. Why are fungal infections so hard to treat?
Fungal infections are hard to treat because, like humans, fungi are eukaryotic organisms who’s cells share many of the cellular structures and mechanisms with human cells. Therefore, fungi are harder for our immune system to fight off and antifungal medications are quite toxic to humans. In contrast, bacteria have simple cell structures, unique proteins, and… Continue reading I have athletes foot and lamisil hasn’t worked. Now I am taking pills. Why are fungal infections so hard to treat?
I fractured my collar bone two weeks ago. What’s more sensitive in detecting bone healing: cat scan or xray.
Of the two tests you listed, X-rays would be the test of choice for evaluating a healing fracture. However, the most sensitive study would be an MRI because of its superior contrast between soft tissue densities and bone. After a fracture, your body forms a callous consisting of fibrous tissue across the fractured bone. Bone… Continue reading I fractured my collar bone two weeks ago. What’s more sensitive in detecting bone healing: cat scan or xray.
I had gotten Hepatitis A from travelling to Guatemala. I’m going down again next month. Do I need to be vaccinated for Hepatitis A before I go to prevent getting it again?
There is no need to be vaccinated for Hepatitis A once you’ve already had the disease. Hepatitis A infection confers life-long immunity.